Manies Pizzaria & Greek Cuisine
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Cuisine type

  • Greek,


  • Spanakopita,
  • Stuffed Chicken,
  • Pizza,
  • Roast Lamb,

Products and Services

  • Delivery,
  • Take-out,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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  • $11 To $25,

Methods of Payment:

Meet the owner

Manies Pizzaria and Greek Cuisine is well known for its pizza. For over 30 years, this family-run neighbourhood restaurant has satisfied community cravings for savoury 'za. When asked why Calgarians love Manies’ pizza and what sets it apart from other Calgary pizzas, owner Archie Benekos gives a surprisingly short answer: “Chicken is a big seller here.”

A glance at the menu confirms his claim. Half of the specialty pizzas the restaurant serves feature chicken as a topping. However, Manies’ most popular pizza, Special No. 1, does not. It does, however, feature pepperoni, salami, beef, mushrooms, green peppers, onions, pineapple and tomatoes. With these classic toppings, it is not hard to understand why Special No. 1 has remained on the restaurant’s menu from day one.

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Editor’s Pick
Palate-pleasing pizzerias in Calgary

Palate-pleasing pizzerias in Calgary

A Greek restaurant known and loved for its pizza menu, Manies keeps its Western-style, thick-crust selection simple and delicious. Available in 10-inch and 12-inch, varieties include Hawaiian with back bacon and pineapple, pepperoni (spicy or regular) as well as pepperoni plus back bacon with a dash of chopped green pepper.

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