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Business listings in Lyalta provides full directory information for in and about the Lyalta, Alberta region. With the most extensive business database online in Canada, Yellow will get you there quicker. If you live near Lyalta, find new user-rated companies close to home, with .
What makes for a perfect French fry? Whether you prefer thick-cut, shoe-strings or extra crispy, great burger joints and upscale restaurants alike know that a tasty plate of fries is just as important as the sandwich they’re meant to accompany. Here’s a list of Calgary eateries that make French fries the star of the show.
There’s no better way to truly pamper yourself than by spending time indulging in a manicure and pedicure. Whether you want the quintessential relaxing spa environment or a fun salon to pop into with your friends, there are so many great spots to visit. Here are a few.
The warm spice blends of the Indian continent have travelled far and wide to become a take-out mainstay in our city. Whether you’re at your office desk or on the couch on a chilly night, these exotic dishes whisk you away to a warm and delicious place. Here’s a list of restaurants that offer cuisine-induced momentary vacations with the convenience of delivery service.