770 - 17th Street SW, Medicine Hat, ABT1A 7T3Get directions
Auto Repair, Vehicle Accessories, Oil Change And Lubrication, Vehicle Enhancements, Warranty Approved Maintenance Centre, Tires, Alignment, Accessories And Vehicle Enhancements, Preventative Maintenance, Tire Services And TPMS, Exhaust, Wheels, Small RV (2 Tons And Lower), Electrical And Battery Service, Brakes, Engine Diagnostics
OK Tire is a tire and auto service retailer in Medicine Hat, AB. You can find all types of tires; all-season, summer, all-weather, winter, off-road, run-flat, lawn & garden, ATV/UT...more...See more text
810 Gershaw Dr SW, Medicine Hat, ABT1A 8R3Get directions
Gershaw Auto ,Your Automotive Professionals have 150 years of combined experience .We service all makes and models of automobiles and trucks.We offer our clients complete ,efficien...more...See more text