Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Pre Employment Screening, Team Assessments, Massage Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Healthy Lifestyle Coaching, Custom Orthodics, Chiropractic, Ergonomics, Family And Marriage Counselling, Psycology, Marriage And Family Counselling
Since 2001, InMotion Health Centre's experienced health professionals have worked together to ensure the best possible course of action is taken, in the best interest of the patien...more...See more text
Acupuncture, Naturotherapy, Massage Therapy, Laser Therapist, BioFlex Laser, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Deep Tissue Massage, Relaxation Massage, Prenatal Massage
As an experienced acupuncturist of 10 years, Valerie Genge decided to start her own acupuncture clinic. Full Circle Acupuncture and Wellness in St. John’s was started in March 2016...more...See more text