You Can Find The Latest Messages Here On Our Site. Either Click On The Title Of This News Or Go To Resources And Click On The Side Bar 'Sermon Videos 2014?Calling All Youth From Th...more...See more text
In Provost, Alberta (two blocks south and one block east of Esso) Central Lutheran Church ''Making Christ Known'' Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he wi...more...See more text
We at the Provost Community Church teach that God is the creator, Jesus Christ is his redeemer and the Holy Spirit is his counselor. We believe that God put in each human being a d...more...See more text
Vision Statement - Gateway to Life.'Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 'Fo...more...See more text
We believe that the future belongs to God and that the promise of God's kingdom shall be fulfilled. We have a vision of that kingdom where Christ is truly honoured, where God's wil...more...See more text
Bethel Community Church Boyle is a Christian, non-denominational group of folks who by choice stay like clay ~ always being shaped, we trust by God's life and not by organizational...more...See more text