4 ways to plan the perfect family vacation

November 6, 2014

Finding a vacation destination the whole family will enjoy can be tricky. Here are some tips to choosing the perfect destination that everyone will like.

4 ways to plan the perfect family vacation

1. Set up a family meeting

A family meeting is a great way to involve everyone in the decision-making process.

  • Have each family member list three of their favourite travel destinations.
  • Younger children can participate by drawing where they want to go or what they want to do.

2. Divide and conquer

  • If your son listed a theme park as his first choice but has camping as his second choice, you have a great opportunity for compromise.
  • Dad may have listed camping as his third choice or your daughter may not have listed camping at all. If so, review everyone's lists and see if any compromises can be made.
  • If going to a theme park was on three lists and most people want to go camping, find a theme park that has camping grounds nearby to satisfy everyone's needs.

3. Discuss again

If someone is not satisfied, go back to the lists and ask questions to see if any new ideas come up or if someone is willing to settle for another activity.

  • You're not only planning a great family vacation, but also teaching children that everyone's needs matter and should be respected.
  • Try looking at pictures of the destinations, calling friends who've been to any of the destinations and do some extra research to help everyone make a final decision.
  • Get familiar with your top locations' attractions as well as the dining opportunities nearby to see which travel destination is the best for your family.

4. Plan ahead

After the family has decided where to go, write the travel destination down where the whole family can see it.

  • Have everyone contribute to the trip by listing what they would like to do.
  • Use a large calendar or a physical pin board in the kitchen to gather all the ideas.
  • The anticipation can make the whole experience more fun, too.

Compromise is the key to any relationship, especially in a family. Follow these tips to plan a family vacation that will make everyone happy.

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