If you have debt problems that are affecting your sleep, your health, or even your relationships, an independent credit counsellor may be able to help put an end to your stress and provide alternatives to filing for bankruptcy.
November 27, 2014
If you have debt problems that are affecting your sleep, your health, or even your relationships, an independent credit counsellor may be able to help put an end to your stress and provide alternatives to filing for bankruptcy.
A credit counsellor may be able to help you.
Credit counselling agencies provide a range of services for people in financial difficulty.
Credit counselling agencies can also offer one-on-one counselling, group courses and seminars on topics such as:
Some credit counselling agencies charge a fee for their services, and the amount varies from agency to agency.
Provincial and territorial governments are responsible for regulating credit counselling agencies and investigating consumer complaints.
Visit a financial institution and discuss your financial situation directly with them.
Seek out tips and advice from reputable sources, such as financial advisors, trustees in bankruptcy or insolvency lawyers.
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