Italian Centre Shop Ltd. - West End Edmonton

Products and Services

  • groceries,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
17010 90 Avenue Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5T 1L6
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

When Frank Spinelli opened a small corner store with partner Remiro Zalunardo in 1959, it was to sell Italian magazines, newspapers, sodas and chocolate. Today, Italian Centre Shop has grown into a major retailer, wholesaler and specialty import store for Western Canada.

“I inherited the store in 2000,” Teresa Spinelli says. “My father started it to fill a demand for news from home. A lot of the immigrants didn’t know what was happening back in Italy. Now, we have over 24,000 items imported from Italy and from all over the world.”

Ratings & Reviews - Italian Centre Shop Ltd. - West End Edmonton

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    On Sat July 16 at about 5pm we ordered the usual pizza item no 3 ( capficcosiosa ) ? ) as we do on a regular basis. Not only was this order late in coming but the pizza crust was wet and soggy. We cut into a slice and found it disgusting as it was not appetizing due to crust being wet. I requested a refund but there was no way to get a refund as a number of staff did not know has how to process a visa refund so they reimbursed with cash. A total disgusting experience.

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    Appears in 2 Smart Lists

    Editor’s Pick
    Lunch places on the west side of Edmonton

    Lunch places on the west side of Edmonton

    Entering Spinelli’s Bar Italia at the west end Italian Centre Shop during lunch time means a wait to order food, and a slim possibility of finding seating. But there’s a reason for that; the food is well worth the wait. Plenty of people in the area come for the coffee itself, not to mention the pizza specials, salads and pastas.

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    Decadent, delicious éclairs in Edmonton

    Decadent, delicious éclairs in Edmonton

    A trip to the bakery at the Italian Centre Shop is a no-fail situation – regardless of what you leave with, it’s going to be delicious and fresh. The Italian Centre Shop sells éclairs and cream puffs, which you can buy individually or in a platter. This bakery brags about its “old fashioned recipes with a modern twist,” so you know it puts its pastry where its mouth is.

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