Hillside Stone & Garden
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Products and Services

  • Topsoil,
  • Sand,
  • Stone Products,
  • Mulches,
  • Rock Solid Ideas,
  • Decorative Rocks,
    • Gravel,
    • Compost,
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Languages Spoken

  • English,
2381 Staghorn Rd, Duncan, BC V9L 6L7
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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    Bought the most e...

    Bought the most expensive soil in the city! And ended up with 150 dead plants. All burned from the soil. DO NOT BY SOIL HERE! When spoke with the manager he stated it couldn't be the soil for it hardly had any compost in it and only 10% sand?? What does there soil have in it? BEWARE.This customer won't be back and I will try and warn as many others too, for plants are expensive, and this year not only I lost my plants I won't have any strawberries either. AND no compensation!!!!!

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Business Reply May 10, 2016

    I am very sorry to hear this is the experience you have had however I feel you might have got some misinformation.... Our Garden Soil is compost based, that is the starting component to blending our soil and there is approximately 30-35% compost. The compost is cooked and aerated making it not only weed free but also well composted. The compost sits for an extended period of time before we even bring it into our yard. We then add some manure to it, a good slow feed, some peat for moisture retention and 10% sand for assistance in drainage and overall consistency. My only thoughts would be that you possibly got straight compost instead of the blended garden soil? Creating a new bed with straight compost would not be well balanced for optimal growing power. I should also note that if your trying to grow berries you would want to use a sandy soil as berries like a soil that is well drained which would actually be our Super Soil (tailored for lawns) not the Garden Soil. Unfortunately had you asked these questions prior to purchase we would have been able to make our best recommendation for your uses. We have recently come under new ownership and significantly dropped our prices to be more comparable to other suppliers in the valley, however our soil is the only weed free soil in the valley so our prices do reflect that....we pride ourselves on our superior product and we would love to chat with you more to possibly determine where the error in communication was. Feel free to phone us at 250-746-5548

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